A prerequisite of installing Log-On Wave on the Wave BTS server is IBM Java 8. To satisfy this requirement, follow the steps listed here:
- Download .bin package from: IBM Java 8 .bin package using a browser. The URL displays a page requiring to agree to the license conditions. In this case, copy ibm-java-s390x-sdk-8.0-7.20.bin to the target Linux machine.
- Alternatively, you can download directly to your Linux machine using curl:
curl https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/systems/cloud/runtimes/java/ -o ibm-java-s390x-sdk-8.0-7.20.bin
Note: if you're installing Wave on an x86_64 Linux rather than a Z Linux, you should use the following curl command (one line): curl https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/systems/cloud/runtimes/java/ -o ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-8.0-7.20.bin And in the following instructions, replace "-s390x-" with "-x86_64-" everywhere.
- The next set of instructions should be done with user as root. Change your current directory to the one with the downloaded .bin file, and do the following:
sudo chmod +x ibm-java-s390x-sdk-8.0-7.20.bin
sudo ./ibm-java-s390x-sdk-8.0-7.20.bin (and Accept all defaults)
ln -s /opt/ibm/java-s390x-80 /opt/ibm/java-default-80
ln -s /opt/ibm/java-s390x-80/jre/bin /opt/ibm/java-default-80/bin
chmod 751 /opt/ibm/java-default-80
chmod 751 /opt/ibm/java-default-80/bin
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/ibm/java-default-80" > /etc/profile.d/wave_javaenv.sh
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/opt/ibm/java-default-80/bin" >>
echo "Defaults env_keep += \"JAVA_HOME\"" >> /etc/sudoers
sed -i -r -e '/^\s*Defaults\s+secure_path/ s[=(.*)[=\1:/opt/ibm/java-default-80/bin['/etc/sudoers
bash (to reload the terminal's new environment, before running ./check_wave_env.sh again)